Over 800 videos selected by Clive in our SHC Video Library, categorised for quick reference and transcribed to make many searchable.
Featuring exclusive content including the Health Revolution, Ickonic Series “Secret Health” and Health Mastery

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As Mark Twain said “beware of health books as you may be killed by a misprint.”Joining may be your best chance of survival!
The benefits of a being an SHC member
- Over 110 categories of fully searchable, archived natural health articles, audio and video resources – all uncensored and free from media and industry manipulation. Hear it from the people who live it!
- Access to Clive’s Health Mastery & Health Revolution Video Series and the Ickonic Original 11-part Series “Secret Health with Clive de Carle“
- “Ask Clive Anything” Zoom Video Conferencing Sessions held monthly for members and access to the ACA archive.
- Access to over 800 videos (and growing rapidly) with presentations, lectures and interviews with some of the leading natural health practitioners and pioneers. An increasing number are transcribed to make them searchable.
- Discover the latest important health research
- Regular Monthly Membership offers and discounts
- Access to the Community Forum where Clive and his team discuss various health issues
- An opportunity to connect with Clive, his team and fellow natural health lovers!
Access to all these benefits and more for just £83/$100* per year!Please do come and join us
*$ prices are approximate at time of writing. Please check the exchange rate with your payment processor.

I just today discovered Clive de Carle after watching an interview with Dr. Andrew Kaufman. After which I immediately purchased a membership to the Secret Health Club. I clicked on ONE tab only and am about halfway through the article on Rockefeller and Alcoholics Anonymous. I am shaking.
I work in an addiction treatment center and have been digging and digging and questioning and searching for ways to help the patients. I have always been interested in holistic health and am a bodyworker, yoga and mindfulness instructor, etc. I have always been baffled (and enraged) about the lack of nutritional therapies for these clients and for all those who battle with depression, anxiety, bi-polar, etc. Anyway….my fingers are typing SO fast from half of this one article alone.
I feel like today I have found a key to a sacred door by happening upon Clive de Carle. For MANY reasons. The “events” of the last 7 months have ignited me to question and seek truth more than ever. Heaven knows where we are headed. I look forward to the zoom webinars, and discovering and diving in to these resources.
And just want to say….THANK YOU. – Marie W.
Clive De Carle speaks the truth and does a lot of good. I enjoy supporting people who speak the truth and spread beneficial information to people around the world. Tell Clive to keep up the hard work, there are a lot of people who support him! – George D.
I’ve studied alternative history, geo-politics, economics, psychology, sociology and much more in life, but nothing prepared me for what I found inside the Secret Health Club. The broad variety of subject matter and the excellent selection of experts and profesisonals in interview with Clive really helped me to fill in a whole bunch of gaps in my broader knowledge as well as those relating to natural health.
Embodying this new knowledge opens up the broader exercise of listening to your body’s feedback loops and opens the door for you to take full empowered, control of your own well-being. Keep up the good work Clive!Jess F.